
The most outrageous shit ever

Am I that lowly of a person that I get excited when people leave comments on my blog? Yes I am. But what do I see there? BLOG SPAM!!! Scroll down a bit and check it out for yourself. Check your own blog, for that matter, if you have such a thing. Did you look? You’ve got to be fucking joking, right? Yes, because you comment on my blog, I will be very interested in your diabetes testing site. Why, to think, I’ve gone 24 years without considering the fact that I COULD HAVE DIABETES. What a horror!

Fucking blog spam and mattress ads on my Gmail. I think the path of cultural technology excess I’ve embarked on could just be an intermediary to a complete shutout of info tech.

Thank you for reading (and not spamming, fuckers!)


Captain Cooper said...

Dude, check the homepage. There's evidently some option you can click to make people verify a word so that you don't get spamments. I think I just invented a word. Awesome.

John said...

Go to the settings on your blog and check where it asks, "Word verification?" If you do that people who want to comment on your blog will have to enter a word to prove they are not robots.

You might want to consider "Moderating" each comment before it is published too and that way you can spot spammers before they publish themselves on your blog.