

So, if you haven't gone to check out English, Baby! yet, this is what you're missing:

Mason: Alright, so I’ll fess up to this. I was watching Entertainment Tonight the other night and I heard that Britney and Kevin stayed in separate hotel rooms on their recent trip to Florida.

Amanda: Okay.

Mason: So there’s all this speculation now, maybe is the divorce coming on?

Amanda: But you know, they have been living in separate quarters...

Mason: What?

Amanda: ...in their own home.

Mason: No!

Amanda: Right.

Mason: Well, he maybe snores.

Amanda: Mmm, maybe.

Mason: He could be a log-sawer.

Amanda: But supposedly she’s on the main floor and he is in the basement.

Mason: [laughs]. In the basement!

Amanda: So, there’s that plus the separate hotels. So who knows?

Mason: Well, he’s always been a kept man. He’s always been a kept man, come on!

Amanda: [laughs].

Mason: I mean, there’s always been that thing. It’s like what does he do? He does nothing, he sits there and mooches off of Britney.

Amanda: Yes.

Mason: So, like, if she’s finally, you know, if the two brain cells that she has have, like, clicked, and she’s realized what he’s doing, you think she’s justified in kicking him out?

Now, imagine listening to that. Oh yeah.

-Thank you for reading.

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