
You wanna be starting something

I got a package yesterday - which I was instantly excited about, because it's always my roommate that gets all the good mail. But it turned out to just be copies of the Oregon City News and the Clackamas Review in which the story I wrote was published, on the bottom fold of the front page, no less.

A few weeks back, I mentioned meeting my high school journalism instructor. This story was the first fruit of that meeting. It was a relatively short profile on Reggie Houston, a local jazz vocalist and saxophonist. Really interesting fellow, actually. It was hard to pick a coherent line through the material I gathered in our three hour interview. I felt pretty rusty when I actually sat down to write it and wasn't sure how pleased I was with the result. But the editor and my ex-prof were happy. I just re-read it today and, you know what? I am too.

I had another ancient acquaintance meeting this week... with a childhood babysitter. He, now grown and married, works at nonbox advertising, a name strikingly similar to my own notsaid. He gave me some really good pointers on ways to approach this job search of mine and market myself. Apparently, in the ad world, you can just make stuff up and show it to people. It's just the creativity that really counts. Who'da thunk?

So, if you have any need for some creative marketing ideas and materials, now is the time to ask me. I've got the juices flowing. I've already set my mind to helping my friend Angel with her new Local Music Night at The Sapphire Hotel. I have a couple good ideas for that. And I'm working on a pitch for this physical therapy clinic which my Belize clients recommended me to.

Things = looking up, but ever so slightly.

I could still use that one chance to break through. Seriously, guys. What's the hold up? (smiles)

-Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

-Brook said...

Mr. West-

This is a most nice Web log. (Notice AP style there - two words, cap the W.) I like your bicycle. If it wasn't yours, I would want it.

Actually, I still want it. But if it has to be owned by someone who isn't me, you seem like a good surrogate owner.